How to Manual Skateboard

To ride a skateboard, you will need a lot of balance and coordination. Manual skating requires a lot of balance and coordination. If you are new to skateboarding, it will take time for you to learn the ropes. However, once you get the hang of it, on-skate learning becomes easy. 

With time, consistency, and practice, you will be able to manual skate without any problem. It’s just like any other sport that involves practice and dedication. If you’re interested in learning how to get started with this style of skating then we’ve got all the information you need right here.

How to Manual Skateboard?

When you’re ready to begin learning how to manual skateboard, the first step is to locate a suitable practice area. A manual pad is preferable, but if you don’t have one, any flat and smooth surface will suffice. Place your skateboard in the center of your chosen location once you’ve located it.

Boy standing on Backfire G2 Galaxy Electric Skateboard

If you’re a beginner, it might be a good idea to put on some knee pads and elbow pads for extra protection. When you’re ready, step onto your board and get into position. Your front foot should be placed near the center of the deck and your back foot should be placed at the tail.

What is the Key to Manual Skateboard?

The key to a successful manual is balance. You need to be able to keep your balance while shifting your weight from your front foot to your back foot. Start by slowly shifting your weight from one foot to the other. As you get more comfortable, you can start to move your feet more quickly. The key is to keep your balance the entire time.

How Long Does It Take to Learn to Manual Skateboard?

It takes time and practice to learn how to manual skateboard. It is not something that you will be able to master overnight. However, with time and dedication, you will be able to get the hang of it.

How Do I Get Better at Manuals on a Skateboard?

There is no one size fits all answer to this question. However, here are a few tips that might help you out:

  • Find a Good Spot to Practice. A manual pad is ideal, but any level and smooth surface will do.
  • Start Slowly. It’s crucial to take things slowly when you’re initially starting out. Shift your weight from one foot to the other gradually. You can begin to move your feet more swiftly as you become more comfortable.
  • Keep Your Balance. Balance is the key to a good manual. You must be able to maintain your balance [1] as you move your weight from your front to back foot.
  • Practice. It takes time and practice to learn how to manual skateboard. The more you practice, the better you will become at it.
  • Get Some Help. If you’re having trouble, consider getting some help from a friend or a professional. 

How Do You Land on a Manual Skateboard?

The key to landing a manual is to keep your balance. When you feel like you’re about to fall, quickly shift your weight to the other foot and back again until you regain your balance. With time and practice, you will be able to land manuals more easily.

Where Do You Put Your Feet in a Manual?

Your front foot should be at the deck’s middle, and your rear foot should be near the tail. Slowly shift your weight from one foot to the other when you’re ready to begin. You can begin to move your feet more swiftly as you become more comfortable.


Skateboarding is a great way to have fun and stay active.  Manual skating is a great way to take your skating to the next level. With time, practice, and dedication, you will be able to master this skill.


Lucas Travis
Lucas Travis
Lucas is far from your regular skater boy—he is knowledgeable beyond riding basics and tricks; he knows the technicalities and specifics of every type of modern skateboards, bikes, and scooters. His passion for skateboarding inspired him to bring together a team of skateboard-lovers and experts to test new and popular models and come up with recommendations that will help every skateboard, bike or scooter enthusiasts like them.
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